Say Goodbye To Bad Smells With These 6 Tips

Do your clothes smell stale? These six easy and natural tips can help! In addition to removing all kinds of stains and bad odors, they also make your clothes comfortably soft.
Say goodbye to bad-smelling clothes with these 6 tips

Whether caused by sweat or too long a storage period, clothes tend to absorb unpleasant odors that can be difficult to get rid of simply by washing them normally.

Mold in your wardrobe, exposure to strong odors from the environment, or just unpleasant odors excreted by your own body will negatively affect your clothes and make you nibble on your nose.

As you may already know, the fastest way to remove odors is to use fragrance sprays and other chemical products that are absorbed into clothing. However, these options can be harmful, not only to the environment but also because they can have unwanted effects on your health.

The good news is that there are a variety of homemade methods that contain natural ingredients to help neutralize bad odors without damaging the fabric.

Today, we would like to take this opportunity to share with you six easy and environmentally friendly methods to eliminate odors in clothing without compromising your health.

1. Vinegar

vinegar in the washing machine

Vinegar has many different uses in home care and is a great option even in laundry.

First, it contains acidic compounds that refresh unpleasant odors and remove dirt and food stains from clothing. Some even consider vinegar a good fabric softener as it makes the fabric comfortable and soft.

How is it used?

  • Pour a dec of vinegar into the washing machine, just as you would with a fabric softener.
  • If the smell of the clothes is very strong, put vinegar in a bucket of water and let the clothes soak in it for 20 minutes.

2. Cold air

Cold air, like in the refrigerator, is a great way to remove the smell of mold stuck in your clothes.

How is it used?

  • First, take an airtight bag, put your clothes inside it and put it in the fridge for a few hours.
  • Then remove the clothes, rinse them and let them dry naturally.

Believe it or not, the stale smell is in its way!

3. Baking soda

baking soda with a spoon

Baking soda is one of the most widely used natural ingredients in environmentally friendly cleaning.

Because it is so absorbent, it helps remove substances that cause bad odors and dirt stains.

If used directly on clothes, it removes sweat stains and whitens at the same time, making clothes look flawless.

In addition, it brightens colored garments and is very suitable for delicate fabrics.

How is it used?

  • Sprinkle baking soda on clothes that need cleaning, leave on for 20 minutes and remove by brushing.
  • Alternatively, you can put some baking soda in your wardrobe to absorb the smell of mold.

4. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is highly valued for its antibacterial and fungicidal effects, which in addition to promoting health will help you clean your home.

In the care of clothes, tea tree oil is used to neutralize odors, as its light scent removes bad odors caused by moisture.

How is it used?

  • First, put a little tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water, and spray it on your clothes.
  • After this, wait an hour for the substance to take effect.
  • Finally, check that the bad smells are in their way. If the garment still smells, allow the substance to last a little longer.

5. Lemon juice

lemon juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is a natural ingredient that works to remove sweat odor and sweat stains.

Its citric acid is easily absorbed into the fabric and removes the causes of annoying odors.

How is it used?

  • First, dilute the lemon juice to two liters of water and soak your clothes in it for 30-40 minutes.
  • Then rinse the clothes normally and allow them to dry naturally.

6. Orange peel

The peel of the orange releases a citrusy scent that helps neutralize the unpleasant odors caused by sweat, mold and food stains.

How is it used?

  • First, put a few orange peel in a saucepan with two liters of water.
  • When the water boils, let simmer for a few minutes.
  • Put your clothes in there to get dirty.
  • After two or three hours, rinse them and allow to dry in the sun.

Unpleasant odors away forever

As you can see, you don’t have to waste money on expensive chemical products to get rid of the bad smells of your clothes.

Choose one of these tips and say goodbye to bad smells!

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