The Benefits Of Chia Seed Gel And How To Make It

In addition to being a great supplement for athletes and support for weight loss, Chia seeds also help regulate cholesterol levels and take care of your heart’s health.
The benefits of chia seed gel and how to make it

Chia seeds are an ancient food that has become well known throughout the world since the 1970s. It is believed that they originally came from Guatemala and Mexico. According to historical knowledge, the benefits of the Chia seed gel were already known to Aztec soldiers and they enjoyed it because of the energy they contained.

Several properties of Chia seeds have been scientifically proven, and their nutritional values ​​have really earned them the term “superfood”.

Despite their small size, Chia seeds are a very rich source of antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and soluble and insoluble fiber, which are important nutrients for the body. Because they are so small, when they come in contact with water, they turn into a natural gel that can be combined with other nutrients to support the diet.

Today we want to tell you how to make this Chia seed gel and show you some of the benefits of its regular use.

Try it!

How do you make Chia seed gel?

Chia seeds and the benefits of Chia seed gel

Chia seeds are available at many grocery and organic stores. As they have become increasingly popular in recent years, they are now available to almost everyone. 


  • 100 g of Chia seeds
  • 500 ml of water


  • Put the Chia seeds in a blender, add water and stir for a few minutes until you have a smooth mix.
  • Wait a few more minutes, mix again, and allow to soak for 10-15 minutes until the gel forms.
  • Once you have the finished gel, mix half of it with any food you want, keeping the other half for later use.

How to use it

You can store this product in the refrigerator for up to two weeks without losing its structure.

Chia seed gel can be used to supplement:

  • Porridge
  • Tomato sauces
  • Mustard
  • Salad dressings
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Jams and jellies
  • Yogurt and crème fraîche
  • Homemade cakes and breads

What are the benefits of Chia Seed Gel?

Thanks to its high energy content, high nutrient content and high water content,  Chia seed gel has several benefits for your body and overall health.

It is hydrating

Benefits of Chia Seed Gel

Regular use of chia gel will help your body maintain its proper levels of hydration when water is combined with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

It is especially recommended for athletes as it supplements minerals lost during physical activity.

It improves digestion

Consuming both soluble and insoluble fiber is a great way to fight indigestion and the acidity caused by strong foods and acids.

These nutrients regulate the function of your internal organs and help keep your body’s pH in balance to avoid the accumulation of toxins and constipation.

It regulates cholesterol levels

Vascular Chia seeds

Soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and prevents blood vessels from clogging.

It also contains the necessary fatty acids that cleanse the veins and prevent the oxidation of fats.

It controls blood sugar levels

The nutrients contained in chia seeds not only promote a feeling of fullness, but they also help slow down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugars in the digestive tract. 

When you add them to your diet, you regulate blood glucose levels and prevent both spikes and collapses.

It increases your energy

Benefits of Chia Seed Gel: Energy

Essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants in Chia seeds improve mental and physical performance, especially in people who are already exercising or engaging in demanding physical activities during the day.

Improves mood

Chia seeds contain a good amount of tryptophan, an essential amino acid associated with serotonin release in the brain and improved mood.

The use of chia seed gel stimulates the production of this amino acid and puts a brake on stress and tension.

Helps you lose weight

Benefits of Chia Seed Gel: Weight Loss

The reason why this gel can help you lose weight is that it has a filling effect that curbs your desire to eat more calories than what you really need. 

Because this gel-like substance swells in your stomach, it suppresses your appetite for a longer period of time and prevents you from eating too much.

In addition, its nutrients and other active compounds support the functioning of your digestive tract and metabolism. 

Have the benefits of Chia Seed Gel convinced you and have you already added this complementary food to your diet? We encourage you to make Chia seed gel at home and use it regularly to see its stunning effects on your body.

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