Treat Menstrual Problems With These Natural Treatments

Although these treatments help to alleviate or eliminate various menstrual problems, it is always best to try them under the supervision of a doctor in case side effects occur.
Treat menstrual problems with these natural treatments

Painful periods, too much or irregular periods, missed periods… Menstrual problems are a nuisance for many women.

Menstrual problems are very common, but there are still very few treatments to solve them.

In this article, we want to share some natural treatment options and diet tips to treat the most common menstrual problems.

Menstrual problems are not normal


While many gynecologists say that many menstrual problems are normal, the truth is that there is a reason for anything out of the ordinary .

That doesn’t mean you have a serious health problem. However, you may have a hormonal disorder that can be treated naturally without having to resort to birth control pills.

Next, we address the four most common menstrual problems.

1. Menstruation too much

Menstruation is considered abundant if it  lasts longer than eight days or where the bleeding volume of each cycle is more than 80 ml.

This type of menstrual problem, when not caused by any serious illness, can cause a lot of discomfort to the sufferer, including anemia, fatigue and other symptoms.

For this reason, it is important to treat it naturally. The following can help:

  • Kortetee
  • Breakout
  • Nettle tea
  • Pork weevil tea
  • Dong Quai tea
  • Marigold tea
  • Sage tea

The essential fatty acids contained in evening primrose oil and borage can also be of great help.

2. Very sparse menstruation

sanitary napkin

Otherwise, menstruation is very scarce. This is called hypomenorea. It is characterized by menstruation that lasts only a day or two or with a cycle bleeding of less than 50 ml.

This is normal only when it occurs in adolescence during the first years of menstruation or near menopause.

At other times, your doctor should determine if the problem is due to possible infertility, obesity, polycystic ovaries, anemia, or other disorders.

To increase menstrual bleeding, try to enjoy the following treatments:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Chamomile
  • Parsley

3. Absence of periods

If menstruation does not normally begin every 24 to 35 days or is more than a month and a half late for no apparent reason, it is amenorrhea.

However, it is important to note that medicine only talks about amenorrhea after three months have passed without menstruation.

Amenorrhea can be caused by:

  • About weight loss
  • About stress
  • Overweight
  • About heavy exercise

In addition, it can also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome or other disorders. Pregnancy and e-pill delays are not considered causes in this category.

To start your period, you can try:

  • Oreganoa
  • Chamomile
  • Parsley
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginsengia
  • Saffron

4. Severe menstrual cramps

menstrual problems

Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is one of the most common reasons to seek natural remedies. Namely, most women suffering from this ailment have difficulty finding an effective solution. Often they end up using e-pills or NSAIDs that also have side effects on health.

Dysmenorrhea may be associated with e.g. some hormonal disorders (too much or too little estrogen), stress, or endometriosis.

To gradually relieve the pain, try the following treatments for several months:

  • Salviamaruna
  • Turmeric
  • Ginkgo
  • Wormwood
  • Sage

General guidelines for good hormonal health

In addition, there are some tips to help control menstrual problems and improve overall health:

  • Reduce the amount of white flour (breads and pastries, pasta, pizza, etc.)
  • Eliminate bad fats from the diet (fatty foods, margarine, dairy products, sausages, etc.) and replace them with healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, bluefish).
  • Eat plenty of fresh foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Use maca as a supplement or add it to foods (juices, smoothies, soups) as it helps regulate hormones and also has antioxidant properties.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day, outside of meals.
  • Take some sun each day for short periods of time, about 5-10 minutes.
  • Avoid toxic practices such as smoking and alcohol use.
  • Fight the stress that can cause countless problems in your body and cause both short and long term harm.

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