Treatment For Dry Hands And Cuticles

Dry hands can look old. You can moisturize your dry hands, making them beautiful again with this simple home-made treatment. Try it and fall in love!
Treatment for dry hands and cuticles

Dry hands and cracked cuticles are caused by constant exposure to dirt, chemicals and detergents, as well as sudden changes in temperature. When these things are in direct contact with the skin of the hands, they cause the natural moisture of the skin to disappear, further causing inflammation and impaired ability of the skin to regenerate.

It also results in small skin blemishes and impurities that can make your hands look much older than their age.

Because cuticles play a very important role in nail health, damaged cuticles can cause the nails to grow weaker, as well as become inflamed and broken. Fortunately, there are many organic products that help re-moisturize, rejuvenate and keep your skin healthy.

Today we want to share with you a hands on home treatment made from Vitamin E, Almond Oil and Coconut Oil. The properties of these three products treat dry hands in an incredible way.

Give it a try!

Home care for hands and cuticles

The ingredients combined in this home treatment are effective moisturizers that soften the skin, improving its appearance.

Next, we take a look at the primary benefits of the ingredients to be convinced of their great effects.

Vitamin E oil

oil on hands


Vitamin E oil can be purchased at reasonable prices from pharmacies. Its properties have been valued in cosmetics for a long time. It produces a powerful antioxidant effect that reduces the damage caused by oxidation, promotes cell growth and prevents tissue breakdown.

You can apply it externally to minimize the negative effects of the sun and stop the accumulation of dead skin cells.

In fact, in many parts of the world, it is called the “vitamin of youth and life,” due to its ability to protect cells from the aging process.

Almond oil

This oil  stands out from the rest due to its skin softening and repairing properties.  This soothes irritation caused by dryness and other skin symptoms.

It is mostly used externally as it is highly moisturizing and contains properties that are good for the condition of the skin and hair.

Almond oil is perfect for dry hands and cuticles because it reduces the risk of cuticle infections and maintains skin elasticity, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles. It also has a natural sedative effect and can be used on small wounds as well as skin burns and irritations caused by the use of chemicals.

Coconut oil

coconut oil in a container


Coconut oil is an excellent natural cream. It is also a natural lubricant that easily penetrates different layers of the skin.

Applying coconut oil to the hands keeps them soft, smooth and woundless. It stands out because of its high antioxidant content that fights free radicals.

It also creates a protective layer against the sun’s ultraviolet radiation,  reducing the risk of sun marks, skin loosening and irritation. Coconut oil is also a great help in regenerating and healing scar skin.

How to prepare home care for hands and cuticles

cream in a jar


Instead of spending large sums of money on commercial preparations, choose this simple recipe to keep your hands and cuticles healthy.

These ingredients are easy to find and generally also keep for long periods of time as long as they are stored at the right temperature.

This product can be used as part of a beauty routine or for manicure finishing.


  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil


  • Place the coconut oil in a heatproof bowl and melt it in a water bath.
  • As the coconut oil begins to melt, add the almond oil and vitamin E capsule liquid.
  • Mix with a small spoon and make sure all ingredients are well mixed together.
  • Let stand for a few minutes. Pour into a clean bowl and wait until the mixture solidifies, after which you can use it.

Method of use

  • When the mixture is thick, rub it in a small amount on your dry hands and cuticles.
  • Use every night for best results.

Repeated use of this home hand treatment will give you softer and more moisturized hands in a very short time, also improving the protective layer of the hands.

Try doing this treatment at home and see the results with your own eyes.



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