Vegan Empanadas: Two Delicious Recipes

Adhering to a vegan diet does not mean that your meals should be tasteless and boring. These vegan empanadas are delicious and will fill your kitchen with irresistible aromas!
Vegan empanadas: two delicious recipes

Empanada is a pasty that can basically be filled with anything. Empanadas can be sweet or savory, stuffed with meat, fish, vegetables or even fruit. Prepare vegan empanadas using the two recipes we present in this article.


Empanadas are delicious. They originate in Latin America and their manufacture varies slightly from country to country.

Their secret lies in the dough. They can be made from scratch yourself or from ready-made puff pastry, depending on what you like the most yourself. The same is true for the filling.

Empanadas usually contain ingredients that are suitable for a vegan diet. For example, before being placed in the oven, they are usually covered with a mixture of beaten eggs to ensure better texture, color and taste. That’s why many people wonder if it’s possible to make vegan empanades.

Of course it is!

Below we present two vegan, easy empanada recipes. They are delicious!

Vegan empanadas: recipe 1

Vegan empanadas with a napkin.



  • 2.5 dl wheat flour
  • 0.8 dl of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Soy milk for lubrication
  • Salt


  • 1.25 dl peas
  • 1 small onion
  • ½ red pepper
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Celery
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • Salt
  • Pepper


1. Boil the peas first.

2. At the same time, add the dough ingredients, ie flour, water and baking powder, to the bowl and knead the dough well. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for half an hour.

3. Then rinse and chop the vegetables into small pieces (except peas) and add a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

4. Sauté all the vegetables in a pan and add the peas until they turn golden brown and absorb all the liquid.

5. Then take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into eight parts.

6. Knead each piece of dough and roll them into very thin, round strokes.

7. Add a tablespoon of vegetable filling to each roll of dough and close them. Make sure you don’t put too much filling and close the empanadas well by pressing the edges with a fork. Otherwise, they will open when baking and the filling will drain everywhere in the oven.

8. Lubricate them with soy milk to seal them and make them golden brown.

9. Then add the flour to the baking pan to prevent the empanadas from sticking and then place them in the pan.

10. Bake the empanados in a 200-degree oven for 20 minutes until they turn golden brown.

11. You can enjoy vegan empanades both cold and warm.

Vegan empanadas: recipe 2

Empanadat in a container.



  • 5 dl wheat flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1.25 dl of vegetable margarine
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 0.8 dl of cold water


  • 1 pss frozen spinach
  • 1/2 onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt



1. Strain the flour first, and add salt and sugar.

2. After mixing these ingredients well, add the room temperature margarine and mix it into the flour.

3. Then slowly add the vinegar and water, kneading constantly.

4. Continue kneading the whole mixture until you get a smooth dough.

5. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.


1. Rinse and peel the vegetables first.

2. Then chop the onion and garlic into small pieces and saute them in olive oil in a frying pan or saucepan.

3. Then add the spinach to the pan. If it is icy, thaw and rinse thoroughly beforehand. Then strain it well to remove excess liquid.

4. When adding the spinach, stir it slightly and then cover the pan. Let it boil for about 5-7 minutes. Then remove from the heat.

Manufacture of vegan empanadas

1. First remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into as many parts as there are enough empanados.

2. Roll out the dough then into very thin circles and add a tablespoon of the filling.

3. Close the empanadas well by following the instructions in the recipe above.

4. Add a little flour to the baking dish to prevent the empanadas from sticking and place them on top of it.

5. Bake in a 200 degree oven for about 20 minutes.

Now you can enjoy delicious vegan empanados. Everyone will love them!

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