Warm-up Exercises You Can Do At Home

Warming up is part of your workout that should never be missed. Here are some ideas for doing warm-up at home. They are especially useful if you are going for a run or bike ride.
Warm-up exercises that you can do at home

Warming up before a workout is something you should never miss, whether you work out at home or outdoors. In this article, we share warm-up exercises you can do at home.

The problem lies in the fact that warm-up is not always given the importance it deserves, especially before going for a run or bike ride or when preparing to work out at home with the help of an app or video. The same goes for gym training.

It is important to know that starting a workout slowly is not enough. It can help raise body temperature, for example, but it’s not enough for a workout. Special warm-up exercises are specifically needed.

Suitable warm-up exercises that you can do at home

Joint mobility exercises and dynamic stretching are essential at the beginning of good warm-up,  especially if you plan to work out in cold weather. These exercises do not take much time and help to prepare the body so as to prevent injuries and get the most out of your workout.

It is important to do warm-up exercises before your workout
Warming up is crucial before a home workout to avoid injuries.

Also read this: Best dynamic stretches before running

Warm-up exercises to improve joint mobility

Joint mobility exercises and their warm-up help to make the muscles more stretchy. Such exercises prepare the body for more efficient movements by stimulating the nervous system, muscles and tendons dynamically.

These movements include rotation of the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, hips, knees, and ankles. Curling and stretching movements can also be helpful, especially if they are related to a later workout.

Some good joint mobility exercises include:

  • Lifting the shoulders:  towards the ears and back to the starting position.
  • Shoulder rotation:  forward and backward.
  • Arm rotation:  forwards and also backwards.
  • Pelvic rotation:  inwards and then outwards.
  • Leg swings:  forward and backward and from side to side.
  • Swinging the arms crosswise:  forwards and then backwards, keeping the arms in line with the floor.
  • Branch jumps without jump: these are a low-power version of branch jumps . Step to the other side, raising your arms to the sides and lowering them down again. Repeat on the other side.

Dynamic stretching

Once you’ve done your joint mobility exercises, it’s time to move on to dynamic stretching. It’s a great way to warm up the whole body at home.

The problem with static stretches is that the body needs to be warm for them to be effective. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, gradually prepares the muscles while still working on joint mobility.

Some good dynamic stretches include:

Knees to Chest:  Alternately lift each knee and hug them against the chest to maximize stretching.
Crawling to the plank position: First, stand with your feet in a pelvic-width crotch position with your arms on the sides of your body. Then hook your hips so that you get your palms on the floor, and crawl to a high plank position (this is where you rest your palms with your arms straight). Stop for a moment and then move your hands back to your feet and stand up.
Side squat:  Stand in a crotch position with your feet pointing forward. Hook your other knee and lower your hips lightly. Then move your weight to the other side. Repeat several times.
Frankenstein Walk:  Walk, raising your legs straight forward as high as possible, touching your feet with your hands.

Aerobic movements

Aerobic movements are warm-up exercises that can be done at home and do not take up much space. After doing joint mobility exercises and dynamic stretching, you can do the following:

  • Walking in place:  Here it is important to walk like a soldier, upright raising your knees and moving your arms at the same time, exaggerating the movement a bit.
  • Lightweight jogging, kneeling:  This is a similar movement to walking in place, but with the added power of jogging, so you don’t have to lift your knees that high.
  • Jumping: If you’re going for a run, jumping is a good way to warm up before going out. It also improves running technique.
  • Jump rope:  This exercise gives you more power for warming up.
Warm-up exercises can be done at home or outdoors
Jumping acts as a warm-up and is a way to improve jogging technique. It can be done both indoors and outdoors.

Warming is key

Warm-up is important to prepare your body for a workout: it leads to better performance and reduces the risk of injury. It is important to warm up for at least 10 minutes before you start exercising.

If you plan to work out outdoors, it is important to warm up already at home, especially in winter. Even when you’re going to the gym, doing a warm-up (at least in part) at home allows you to start training right away, allowing you to get straight to the point.

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