Weight Loss Tips For Women In Their Forties

Monitor your eating and especially add fruits and vegetables to your diet. Leave out greasy and fried foods, as well as bleached sugar.
Weight loss tips for women over forty

As the years go by, weight loss can become more and more difficult, no matter how you stick to a strict diet and exercise. Are you over 40? This article will give you all the information you need to lose weight at this age.

The fight against adipose tissue is tricky and long at every age, but in older years, when the body’s metabolism slows down and muscle mass is lost quickly, weight loss can become even more challenging. The elderly body reacts differently to dietary changes and exercise, calorie burning slows down and you need more energy and effort to do the same forms of exercise.

Weight loss tips for women over forty

Keep the following tips in mind if you want to slim down your arm on the eve of middle age. These tips are especially suitable for women.

Believe in yourself

Losing weight and achieving the darkest body is tricky, especially if you start exercising and following a healthy diet at a late stage, but it’s not impossible. Often people get frustrated when, despite hard efforts, no results are desired. Motivation drops after a few weeks, when the waist sausages are exactly the same size as before, and the condition has not seemed to rise at all. It takes time to see and feel the results, so persevere.

Elevated fitness, decreased fat percentage and increased muscle mass take care of the heart, lungs and mobility until old age.


a woman rubs her aching temples

Do the right kind of exercise

You may no longer bother to try heavy spinning classes or mountaineering, but you don’t need to either. If you are not used to exercising, get moving by feeling and wondering what might be the right sport for your schedule and preferences. Do you want to practice alone in complete peace, or is social pursuit important to you? Start a new exercise routine with brisk walks alone or with a friend, try group exercise classes and a gym visit, or go for a morning swim with a work crew.

Choose a form of exercise that you really enjoy and that doesn’t feel like a painful compulsion. It’s easier to stick to exercise schedules when doing it really interests you and makes you feel good and refreshed. Start with a half-hour exercise session three times a week and increase the time gradually. Take advantage of business trips and cycle or walk instead of driving. Use your dog outdoors an extra time and take a few jogging steps. There are many ways – find yours!

Stick to meal times

Never skip breakfast, but make sure you get a good and nutritious start to your day. Eat small portions lightly, and if this doesn’t seem to fill your stomach and hunger strains at every turn, reserve a bag of healthy snacks for the workday, such as a few handfuls of nuts, dried fruit, and fresh vegetables and fruit neatly chopped. Ideally, you would enjoy three main meals, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two snacks throughout the day. The first snack is enjoyed between breakfast and lunch and the second in the afternoon, between lunch and dinner.

Choose quality ingredients for your diet, and base your meal on fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially eat salads where the vegetables are raw, grated carrots and zucchini mixed with a traditional salad and you get a variation in your servings. Exclude unhealthy foods that are high in additives and high in salt, sugar, or fat. Prepare meals yourself from the start, do not rely on ready-made sauces or meals.  Please also remember that alcohol consumption should be restricted.

The easiest way to calculate your daily caloric needs is to determine your ideal weight (in pounds) and multiply it by ten if you don’t exercise at all, thirteen if you exercise a few times a week, or fifteen if you exercise more than three times a week. For example, if you want to weigh 61 pounds (135 pounds) and are very active, you should eat 2025 calories a day. (English note. There are many unit converters on the Internet, try this for example.)

weight loss tips for forties: a healthy diet

Choose natural supplements

When you turn 40, your body’s collagen production starts to slow down considerably and can drop as much as half. This has a clear effect on the skin: fine lines are created more easily and the skin also starts to hang. Collagen deficiency also affects bones and joints, weakening them, making this more prone to injury and pain. So start enjoying natural collagen products that take care of your joints and bones, reduce cellulite and keep your skin firm and smooth.


Your body needs different amounts of calories to lose, gain or maintain weight. Calorie intake varies depending on age, gender, hormone levels, and other factors. You can calculate your own metabolic calories using your doctor, using online counters, or see the example above. This chapter gives an indication of how many calories you need to eat to lose weight.

woman on scales happy

Eat right

Be sure to eat nutrients that are good for your body. Try lemon water, flaxseed, fiber, cinnamon, almonds, salmon, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and red fruits in particular. Keep an eye on the amount of food you eat and even keep a food diary for a few weeks to see where there is room for improvement.

Sleep enough

Adequate sleep is important at every age, but the older your body gets, the slower it will recharge its batteries after a busy day. The general recommendation is around eight hours, but this is always individual. Someone may feel refreshed with a six-hour night’s sleep, while another needs 9 hours of sleep to be able to function energetically throughout the day.

Too little and too much sleep can both lead to the body storing fat. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body starts to produce extra cortisol, a stress hormone that raises hunger and makes you eat constantly. If, on the other hand, you sleep too much, your body will not get the amount of exercise it needs and will store the extra calories as fat.

See your doctor regularly

If you don’t lose weight at all, even if you eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep, there may be a problem with your metabolic function, such as hypothyroidism. Many women suffer unknowingly from this. Hypothyroidism results in a lazy metabolism and slows down weight loss. Other symptoms associated with hypothyroidism include chronic fatigue, circulatory problems, and constantly cold feet and hands.

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