What Are Black Spots In Language?

Black spots on the tongue can be caused by many things. The biggest culprits are poor oral hygiene and smoking.
What are black spots on the tongue?

Sounds weird, but black spots on the tongue are somewhat more common than you might think. For understandable reasons, they are often also a cause for concern. However, they can be due to many different things.

The location and appearance of dark spots vary. They can appear on the back of the tongue and can look hairy. They can also occur in other areas of the language individually or in clusters. They are usually temporary and their duration depends on the cause.

In this article, we will explain what black spots in language are caused by and what can follow from them.

What causes black spots on the tongue?

Under normal conditions, the tongue is red and covered with small tongues or papillae. In some cases, these papillae may lose their color and swell, making them look like black dots.

Dark spots on the tongue may be due to discoloration of the tongues

Black, hairy tongue

In this case, the tongue turns dark and looks hairy. This is because dead skin cells do not shed in the normal way, but accumulate on the surface of the tongue and enlarge the tongues. In this way, more bacteria, food residues, tobacco residues, etc. become infected in the linguistic bulbs . These substances make the language “stained”.

This is a mild and temporary mouthwash. It can be caused by a variety of processes:

  • Use of antibiotics and irritating mouthwashes.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Drinking too much coffee or black tea.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.

While this problem may seem worrying, it does not usually cause health problems and is painless. The trouble is usually eliminated by eliminating the above factors and following good oral hygiene.

Black spots on the tongue may be due to hyperpigmentation

This is a benign condition that also causes black spots on the tongue. It is relatively common in the African and Asian populations. It usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30, although it can sometimes occur in children as well. In general, it appears at the edges and tip of the tongue.

The cause of this trouble is still unknown, but scientists are studying the possibility of a genetic factor in its origin. Some studies have attempted to show how this pathology is inherited.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection is a common problem in people with poor oral hygiene. It may also be the result of eating certain antibiotics, as antibiotics change the bacterial system of the tongue, including its good bacteria.

Black spots on the tongue can be caused by a fungal infection

Damage and wounds

Although this is less often thought of, bruising can also occur in the tongue. Impacts or bites that do not cause wounds to the tongue can form a small bruise on it. The bruise often looks like a small black spot on the tongue.

Black spots on the tongue can be caused by drugs

As mentioned earlier, antibiotics weaken the bacterial population of the tongue, which contributes to the development of a fungal infection.

On the other hand, some other medications can also cause black spots on the surface of the tongue. The mechanism of occurrence of this side effect is complex, but it is only a transient state. The tongue returns to normal immediately after stopping the drug.

It is important to know the black spots on the tongue

Black spots on the tongue can therefore be due to various reasons. Most often the cause is bad habits such as inadequate oral hygiene and smoking. That is why good oral hygiene is very important. It should be a good time to brush your teeth at least twice a day, as well as clean your spaces between the teeth and spray with mouthwash daily.

Try to stop harmful habits like smoking. Not only does tobacco cause black spots on the surface of the tongue, but it can also lead to oral cancer.

Contact your doctor if you notice changes in the color of your tongue or in any part of your mouth. The doctor will perform the necessary tests and rule out any malignant causes.

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