What Helps With Excessive Sweating?

What helps with excessive sweating?

All of us are sweating. Especially in summer in hot temperatures or during exercise, sweating increases. The body tries to lower the rising temperature of the body through sweating . However, sweating and the resulting odor can often be controlled with deodorants, antiperspirants and good hygiene. The problem arises when a person suffers from excessive sweating, which is related to, for example, tension. Excessive sweating can lead to strong and noticeable odors as well as sweaty clothing, which is detrimental to social situations. In this article, we’ll talk about what could be helpful for hyperhidrosis and give advice on how to treat it by natural means.

Where does the line go between normal and excessive sweating?

Sweat is one of the body’s ways to regulate body temperature and remove toxins and waste products from the body. Sweat is formed in the large and small sweat glands. Small sweat glands are especially present in the palms and soles of the feet and are involved in thermoregulation. The large sweat glands, in turn, are located in the armpits and lower end region, and their original purpose has been to develop the characteristic odor of humans and to spread pheromones.

The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are heat and exertion, fever, changes in metabolism, factors affecting the involuntary nervous system, and emotional causes. Drugs can also be the cause of hyperhidrosis. Diet and genetics can also greatly contribute to hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can occur in the hands, feet and face in addition to the armpits. It is estimated that about 5% of the world’s population suffers from excessive sweating. Many resort to masking the smell of sweating with deodorants or trying to control sweating with antiperspirants – unfortunately they are of little help in severe excessive sweating as the deodorant can fail quickly.

which helps with excessive sweating

Tips to prevent excessive sweating

  • Keep expectations realistic. A common problem for people with hyperhidrosis is that every day they subconsciously assure themselves that ‘today I don’t sweat’. In reality, body sweating is almost impossible to control. When sweat then pushes to the surface, the person becomes frustrated, anxious, and ashamed, which in turn can accelerate sweating. Especially during the summer, many wonder what could be helpful for excessive sweating. In fact, sweating should be treated as a completely normal phenomenon, as everyone sweats, and it cannot be avoided, especially in hot weather. This can ease the distressing feelings that come with sweating.
  • Always carry water with you. Keep hydration in the heat and carry a bottle of water with you everywhere. When you sweat a lot, your body loses important salts and your body dries quickly – so it’s important to remember to make up for the lost water by drinking enough. It is good to remember that sweating cleanses the body and burns fat.
  • Remember that sweat always dries. The sweaty spots in the armpits feel uncomfortable and the feeling is awkward, it feels like every opponent is staring. Remember that as soon as you get to a more comfortable space (air conditioning, etc.), your clothes will dry, as will your armpits and soles.
  • Avoid caffeine.  Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea and soft drinks. Skip the Fifth Cup of the day and drink freshly squeezed fruit juice or water instead. Namely, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and also accelerates sweating.
  • Wear clean, airy clothing.  Avoid man-made fibers such as acrylic and polyester, as the skin cannot breathe and ventilate and the feeling quickly becomes disgustingly sticky, especially in hot weather. Prefer natural fibers such as cotton and linen. The best clothes to ease excessive sweating fit loosely and are not too tight. Wear airy shirts, comfortable pants and cotton socks that allow your feet to be ventilated. Also, be sure to choose light-colored clothing instead of dark ones, as black absorbs the sun’s rays and makes you feel even hotter. Light colors reflect the rays of the sun away.
clothing suitable for excessive sweating

Home care products to help with excessive sweating

  • Prepare a homemade deodorant or antiperspirant. The effectiveness of a deodorant purchased from stores is often based solely on masking the smell of sweat, they do not prevent sweating and can even clog pores with impurities. Sometimes a dark shadow appears on the armpits under the influence of various deodorants.
  • To make a natural deodorant, you need half a decade of baking soda, 8 tablespoons of cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, half a decade of cornmeal, and a few drops of essential oil of your choice (this can also be omitted). Mix baking soda and cornmeal together and add soft coconut oil (you can heat it in the microwave for a while) as well as essential oil. Place the mixture to cool in the refrigerator and apply a thin layer to the armpits with your fingertips. Do not use immediately after shaving the armpits.
  • Another recipe for homemade deodorant: You need desin vinegar and 30 drops of essential oil (try rosemary or lavender). Mix the ingredients together and store in an airtight container for a week, store the container in a dry and dark place. Mix three tablespoons of the mixture in the bath water while bathing.
  • Peeling. Sweating can be caused by clogged skin pores, which occurs especially when soaps and other detergents are used daily. The best homemade way to peel underarms and other areas that sweat easily is to use oatmeal, sea salt, coffee grounds or lemon juice. Rub any of these substances twice a week on the area that is prone to sweating – use just before bedtime.
lemon and oil to help with excessive sweating
  • Magnesium milk is a good natural deodorant. Magnesium milk is magnesium hydroxide, which belongs to the so-called antacids, ie acid-reducing agents. When applied to the skin, magnesium milk removes odor and controls sweating. You can also try rubbing raw turnips on sweaty areas.

What else is helpful for excessive sweating?

  • Steam baths help remove toxins from the body.  Steaming the skin lets toxins out through the pores of the skin and helps to relax the mind and body. This is an easy way to lower your stress level. Try a steam bath for 20 minutes every day and also remember to drink plenty of water during the day to stay hydrated.
  • Use an antiperspirant in powder form.  The powdered antiperspirant absorbs moisture and kills odor-causing bacteria. You can easily make such a mixture yourself: mix a tablespoon of cornmeal with a few drops of the essential oil of your choice and apply to dry skin immediately after the shower.
  • Herbal teas, especially those containing sage, are effective in reducing sweating. Sage is full of vitamin B and magnesium, which reduces the activity of the sweat glands. Enjoy two cups of sage-extracted tea a day, no more. Also, do not make the extract too strong.
  • Drink grapefruit or tomato juice.  These drinks help control body temperature and prevent excessive temperature rises that lead to sweating. Enjoy a glass every day with breakfast. Best of all, grapefruit and tomato juice also lower the risk of cancer or heart disease.
  • Potatoes can help prevent excessive sweating.  Cut the raw potato into thin slices and rub directly into the armpits or other areas of the body that sweat a lot. Allow the potato juice to dry on the skin before washing the skin with soap and water.
potato for excessive sweating

We hope you’ve got good tips from this article to help with excessive sweating. Remember that if sweating is a nuisance to social situations and the situation is not alleviated by home congestion, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor and talk about other treatment options.

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