What Would You Do Without Your Fears?

What would you do without your fears?

I am afraid to love because I was offended once. So I’m afraid to fall in love again because I don’t want to experience the same thing again a second time. I’m afraid to leave a job I don’t like because I don’t know if I can find another job and be able to pay my bills.

I am afraid to say directly what I think, and so I will remain silent so that I will not be rejected. I’m afraid to travel because I don’t want evil to happen to me. Does it sound familiar? Have you ever wondered what you could do in life without your fears as an obstacle?

Loving is always a risk, change is always a risk, and  being yourself is a necessity. 

So why are we so afraid to take this risk? Because we have deep-rooted beliefs about what “happiness” means. We don’t think that something that makes one person happy isn’t necessarily the thing that makes another happy.

What would you be without your fears?

When we are children, we are not afraid of many things, but over time we begin to follow guidelines that guide our fears based on our own experiences. “I’m afraid to leave my life partner even though I’m unhappy because I don’t know how to be alone”. “I’m afraid to change jobs even though I don’t like my current job at all”.

Now, however, think for a moment about  what your life will be like in five years if you don’t change anything. Is it not the case that we are even more afraid of uncertainty about the future?

woman and globe

The fact that we anchor ourselves and don’t want change is due to a feeling called fear. It’s still something that can be managed and modified, like any other emotion.

When people get rid of their fear, they do with their lives what they want, not what others expect of them. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is  identify the source of your own fear so that you can face it.

Fear of change

Maybe it’s the way you complain about several things in your life. They make you feel uncomfortable, angry and unhappy, and they bother you. But have you ever wondered if you’ve done anything yourself to change the things that bother you so much?

What one really fears is failure. However, you should always remember that uncertainty is a part of life and we can never know for sure what will happen. There are lessons to be learned from failures.

Fear of freedom

Freedom is a responsibility, because it does not depend on others, but on ourselves. Now is the right time for it – don’t wait for the job of your life by doing nothing, or imagining the life partner of your dreams as appearing like magic. All dreams require courage to use them to get the freedom you need. So don’t forget that freedom is only for the brave.

what would you do without your fears, would you be free

Fear of taking over your own life

We are afraid to take control of our lives, and we admire those who do so. Those people who leave everything to make a trip around the world, and those who leave their jobs to do exactly what they are passionate about. Ask yourself this:  Are you really the person you want to be?

If you take control of your own life, you will make choices and decisions  that will take you down the path you choose, regardless of what other people think is good for you and your life. So think about what your own heart is saying. Listen to it, for your heart is never wrong.

Are you brave enough to change?

If you take control of your own life, leave your fears in the past, take the risk of freedom, and take responsibility for yourself, you do bold deeds. We are all capable of getting over things and living the life we ​​want to live, but it takes tremendous courage.

However, when you get rid of fear in a certain area of ​​your life, your ability to take risks increases. Namely, you are aware that learning always happens and failure is a part of life. Every time you use your freedom, you are a little closer to achieving your dreams.

So take the first step to living without a fearful i. It’s worth it.

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