When Is A Banana At Its Healthiest: Raw Or Ripe?

When is a banana at its healthiest: raw or ripe?

Bananas are eaten in the world by the tons and banana is one of the most popular fruits around the world. Bananas taste delicious, are perfect for a snack or dessert, and are also cheap and healthy. Bananas are relatively high in calories compared to many fruits, which is why many dieters avoid bananas – this is useless, because eating bananas in moderation and as part of a healthy diet can actually support weight loss. In this article, we will examine whether a banana raw or ripe is healthier.

Healthy properties of bananas

Bananas get a lot of carbohydrates, which makes it one of the best sources of energy. Bananas contain a lot of fructose, but this is balanced by the fact that bananas contain almost no fat. In addition, bananas are high in fiber, which is good for the stomach and digestive function.

Banana keeps it saturated and contains a lot of potassium. Potassium stimulates the removal of fluids from the body and can facilitate e.g. symptoms and pain of high blood pressure, gout and rheumatic diseases.

Banana raw or ripe - which is healthier?


100 grams of banana contains about 90 calories, which makes banana one of the most energy-rich fruits. So bananas should not be eaten in huge amounts, but consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Banana contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, as well as vitamin B6, which promotes the formation of new cells in the body.

Eating bananas helps improve blood circulation, prevent muscle cramps, fight depression, and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. In addition, the ingredients in bananas help care for hair and skin. So there are many reasons to add bananas to your diet! But in what form is a banana worth eating, is the banana raw or ripe at its best to be eaten?

Banana raw or ripe – choose the degree of ripeness according to your needs

Banana raw is less sweet.


Bananas can be eaten green or yellow, depending on your taste. Some like greenish, less sweet and firm bananas, while others want to eat the banana soft and sweet, that is, fully ripe. However, it is good to know that the nutritional content of a banana changes as it ripens.

The taste of a banana becomes sweeter as it ripens. This is due to the conversion of the enzymes it contains to starch and gradually to disaccharides, i.e. sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. Once the starch in the banana has been converted to sugar as a result of the ripening process, the banana is more easily digested by the digestive tract. However, studies have shown that the more ripe the banana, the less vitamins and minerals it contains – some of which disappear during ripening.

According to many studies, the ripening of bananas produces antioxidants and anticarcinogens, which are of great benefit to the body, e.g. to prevent cellular changes and reduce the harmful effects of toxins. When the banana is ripe and begins to form brown spots on its yellow skin, a substance called TNF ( tumor necrosis factor ) is formed inside the skin , which helps to prevent malignant cells from affecting the body and spreading them. In addition, the same studies show that yellow bananas are 8 times more effective at improving resistance.

So bananas can be eaten both greenish and ripe yellow. Yellow bananas have more antioxidants and sugar, making them a great snack for a workout day. Green bananas contain more vitamins and minerals than ripe bananas, so this is something to keep in mind if you want to increase the amount of good nutrients in your diet. People with diabetes, on the other hand, should not eat ripe bananas, as the fructose they contain can lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar.

When should you not eat a banana?

Experts say people with liver and kidney problems should not eat bananas. So talk to your doctor if you suffer from liver or kidney problems or diseases.

Keep these things in mind as well

  • Banana can be used in many different recipes: it is suitable for desserts, as a snack and as part of many different bakeries. If you want to get the most out of a banana, eat it green.
  • Do not store bananas in the refrigerator, as in the cold the peel of the banana darkens quickly, it loses its flavor and many of its useful nutrients.
  • Eat a banana immediately after peeling, as it spoils quickly.

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