Whiten Your Teeth With This Mineralizing Treatment

To improve oral health, it is important to look closely at what you put in your mouth. Reduce the use of commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes, and replace them with natural recipes.
Whiten your teeth with this mineralizing treatment

You may not be aware of this, but toothpastes and mouthwashes commonly available in stores may not be good for oral health. This is because most of these products contain harmful chemicals that can damage tooth enamel. Whiten your teeth with natural mouthwash instead!

Many commercial toothpastes promise to clean your teeth , whiten them and remove the accumulated plaque. Often this is true, but annoyingly often you do frostbite on the overall condition of your teeth at the same time.

In this article, we will show you how you can make yourself a whitening mouthwash that will both whiten your teeth and protect their enamel. So keep reading and whiten your teeth without chemicals!

What does tooth mineralization mean?

In the 1930s, dentist Weston Price traveled to remote areas to find primitive tribes whose teeth showed no decay or rot. Price studied e.g. Polynesian tribes, North American Indians, and pygmies.

According to Price, the dental equipment of the tribes he studied was in relatively good condition and from this Price concluded that the diet of the modern man has a clear link to tooth decay and various oral problems.

According to Price, vitamins were the answer to this interesting distinction between indigenous and modern peoples. Price studied 14 different cultures located around the world whose representatives had never met or heard from each other.

All of these cultures were united by a similar diet consisting of fish, seafood, raw milk, and cheese products.

Price continued his research and found that the aforementioned foods were high in fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A, D, E, and K2. These vitamins are important for tooth mineralization.

Vitamin K2 in particular plays an important role in where the body stores important minerals (bones and teeth) and where it should not be stored (blood vessels).

whiten teeth effectively

There is a lot of disagreement today about tooth mineralization, especially when asked about toothpaste and mouthwash companies, which of course want to secure the sale of dental products.

In modern society, fat is usually found in butter, sausages and other meat products, as well as fish and seafood. If you want to keep your weight at ideal readings, you need to eat healthy.

J os you want your teeth to remain healthy and unperforated, and teeth mineral levels at a good level, we recommend reducing the use of commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes, and to trust instead in home-made materials.

Effectively whiten your teeth with homemade mouthwash

Even if you buy natural mouthwash from a store, take a close look at the product information, as often mouthwash contains glycerin. Glycerin should be avoided in dental care. The intention is to produce a smooth liquid that is not too strong, as otherwise it may prevent re-mineralization of the teeth.

According to doctor Ramiel Nagel, tooth enamel can be completely removed in as little as 30 days. It all depends on your diet and what kind of fat you get from your diet, stress level, sleep rhythm, metabolism and overall level of health.

It is important to change your diet to slow down the onset of tooth enamel damage.

Whiten your teeth naturally

Do you want strong teeth that don’t hole? Turn your gaze to Mother Nature. Did you know that wild animals that eat raw meat never suffer from tooth decay? When we feed domestic animals with industrially prepared food, holes suddenly develop in the pet’s teeth.

The same is true for people. People should eat as unprocessed, sugar-free and additive-free food as possible. Humans are mixed eaters, and we need many different foods from both flora and fauna to take care of our health and teeth.

From nature, we get the most efficient ingredients for making mouthwash. Such mouthwash ensures that the enamel is not damaged and no holes are created. So eat lots of calcium, phosphorus and soluble vitamins and avoid processed foods.

whiten teeth naturally

This is how you make natural, whitening mouthwash


  • 2 teaspoons of calcium carbonate
  • 1 teaspoon of xylitol crystals
  • 10 drops of liquid trace mineral concentrate (Concentrated Liquid Trace Minerals, can be found at least in online stores and you should ask at your own health food store)
  • 10 drops of peppermint oil
  • 5 drops of essential lemon oil
  • 5 dl distilled water

Mix the calcium crystals with xylitol in a large bowl. Add trace element concentrate and essential oils. Finally add water and mix well. Pour the liquid into a bottle or glass jar and close the lid tightly – shake well for 30-60 seconds until the xylitol has completely melted. Shake the mouthwash each time before use.

Mouthwash can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Why these substances?

  • Calcium carbonate mineralizes teeth.
  • Xylitol protects teeth and gums from caries.
  • The trace element mineralizes the teeth.
  • Peppermint oil brings flavor and refreshes the breath.
  • Lemon oil whitens and brightens teeth.

What should homemade mouthwash contain?

whiten teeth naturally
  • Mint. Adding mint or other refreshing essential oil to your mouthwash will give your water a good taste and keep your breath fresh from morning to night. Try eucalyptus if you don’t care about mint.
  • Something sweet. Never add sugar or other sweeteners to your mouthwash as this will lead to perforation, but add some extract or oil that will give your mouthwash a nice shade.
  • Mineralization. Saliva cleans teeth and restores them to minerals lost during eating and drinking. Good mouthwash enhances saliva function.
  • Whitening. Each of us wants a white, bright smile and clean teeth. However, do not use chemical bleaching products as they will damage the mica and may lead to worse darkening.
  • Protects against cavities. Effectively clean your teeth with dental floss and tooth brushing and Finish your cleaning by spraying mouthwash. Mouthwash penetrates even the smallest cavities and cleans them.
  • Mouthwash should be made from natural ingredients. Make it yourself at home, it’s easy! Use the instruction detailed above and you will find that it has a much better effect than chemical pastes and mouthwashes.

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