Why Do Eye Areas Swell?

The area around the eyes can swell for many reasons, and now we’ll talk about the most common causes as well as give advice on reducing swelling at home.
Why do eye areas swell?

The face is one of the areas of the body that suffers most visibly from both external and internal factors. The scorching sun, strong winds, whipping rain, and other similar factors put a strain on the face, and the eyes as well as around the eyes actually suffer the most. They easily show swelling, for example.

The skin that covers and surrounds the eyes is particularly sensitive and is more prone to many problems than the skin in general.

However, internal factors more often cause external problems around the eyes. As soon as you wake up, your eyes need your attention, and you should include some treatments in your daily routine.

Why do eyelids and eye areas swell?

For example, if you eat too much salt or are depressed, your eyes will suffer – the list of things that will affect your eyes is long.

There are many factors that can cause the eye area to swell, and here come the most common causes:

1. Fatigue

stress causes swelling around the eye

This is, of course, a very common problem. Lack of sleep manifests in many different ways in the body, and the eyes are among the first to fall victim. For example, stress causes too much rest for many of us.

2. Eyelid inflammation

This is also a common problem. When you wake up in the morning, you may notice particles at the base of your eyelashes – in fact, these are made up of bacteria. If you do not take them off, they can cause irritation and burns in the eyes. They are associated with many eye diseases.

3. Kidney diseases

kidneys and pain

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, some things damage the eyes, even if they are not close to these. 

4. Allergies

If the eye area swells easily and often, this may be a sign of some illness. If the swelling does not go away after washing your face and lasts a long time, it may be a sign of an allergy. Conjunctivitis is one of the most common types, and if your eyes turn red for several days, this can be the problem.

5. Hereditary factors

the eyes rest

The effect of genes is always visible in human appearance, as well as in tendencies. If you have certain traits in your family, you are very likely to have them too, but it still may not be a health issue. Some of the appearance things that a person “inherits” from his or her parents cannot be removed or prevented.

6. Age

Time leaves its mark on the human body. As much as many of us take care of ourselves, some things are unavoidable, and skin is one of the biggest challenges in this regard. The changes involve wear and tear on the tissues and muscles of the skin around the eyes.

7. Crying

crying causes swelling around the eyes

Crying is not always avoidable. At some point in your life, you’ve probably gone through difficult things and cried to release your feelings. In this case, the glands need to function faster than usual, which causes inflammation.

When the eye area swells, how can it be treated?

Home remedies can solve most of these situations , and improving your facial cleansing routine in the mornings and evenings can also go a long way.

Top advice on hygiene:

  • Always wash your face with cold water as it best prevents swelling in the eye area; not only rinse your skin, but follow a skin care routine that works well.
  • Dampen the folded fabric and close your eyes, and put the fabric on. You can do this at home before you go to bed. The eye area does not swell suddenly when you wake up, but is affected by the whole previous day. Leave the fabric on for ten minutes.
  • If you know that the swelling is the cause of circulatory problems, you can pat lightly on your eyelids with your forefinger and middle finger. This pushes the accumulated blood out of the area.
  • Rest. This is easy advice, but eight hours of sleep is not an adequate solution. Clear your mind before you go to bed, avoid lighting, and set your worries aside. Do not look at your computer or phone or do anything else that will cause you to stay awake well into the night.

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