Why Is It Hard To Love Someone Who Doesn’t Love Themselves?

The problem with people who don’t love themselves is this: they don’t feel they deserve other people’s love. The fear of being rejected actually makes them more vulnerable to it.
Why is it hard to love someone who doesn’t love themselves?

If you fall in love with someone who doesn’t love themselves, you may be facing a difficult thing. The biggest reason for this is that when you fall in love with another, you constantly want to be reminded of how awesome a person he or she is. However, for someone who does not love themselves, it is difficult to accept this type of praise.

Thus, those who do not love themselves often reject the praise they receive  without realizing how painful this can be for the giver of praise. That is why we are all looking for a partner who values ​​himself.

However, this is not the only reason it is difficult to love a person who does not love himself. Here are some other reasons – keep reading so you can better understand these situations. So why is it so detrimental to your relationship if you do n’t love yourself ?

Communication is difficult if the other party does not love themselves

Communication can become heavy if you are with someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves.

These people tend to misinterpret things, and they always assume the worst.

Such situations are very often frustrating. Most of the time, those who don’t love themselves reflect their own problems on their partner.

Take this situation as an example: you say the end of a sentence started by your partner – from another’s point of view, this may seem like you’re demeaning or lying.

It’s hard to care about someone who doesn’t take care of themselves

a man does not love himself

It can be frustrating to love someone who doesn’t love or even takes care of themselves. This can make ordinary  spontaneous comments (such as “you look nice today”) start the dispute, as a person has low self-esteem.

It’s common for someone to start criticizing you for any little thing you’re trying to tell him, and this is because of that person’s own uncertainties.

As you can imagine, it’s tiring to spend time and energy trying to make a person you love smile, but you never succeed in doing so.

In the end, no matter how hard you try, the other is unlikely to trust you or come to take your words for granted as they say.

People who don’t love themselves are often too dependent on others

It’s common for your partner to lower your reserves in the sense that he or she expects you to encourage him or her and make him or her feel better when he or she is sad or negative. This is probably the same thing you expect from someone else.

However, it is no longer healthy if one is dependent on you for your own happiness. Extreme addiction can turn into repression.

The other one will probably start believing that you will leave him. Over time, you will then start to think that it may not be such a bad idea to leave, and  then a person will be left without the only source of happiness.

A person who does not love himself usually rejects the help of others

When you love another, you want to help him force well. Here, however, it should be remembered that in such a relationship,  one has repelled one’s own self even before meeting the other party,  and this makes him reluctant to accept help from anyone.

Thus, things are more complicated, because even if you are hopeful that one day your help will be accepted, the truth of this is that this will probably not be the case.

Try to remember that you can’t change other people. So you can’t change another person’s core so that you can make him the way you want him to be.

Trust between you will be destroyed

love another

When a person does not love himself as he is, he cannot understand why others would love him as well. Usually, he is constantly worried that his partner will “realize” who he is, as well as end the relationship.

Things like this will make building a bond of  trust with the other party very difficult.

A person who is constantly anxious or worried that another is leaving him or her often acts in a negative way. However, this fear actually causes the other to want to distance themselves.

Things to remember if you are in a relationship with such a person

If you are able to be with a partner who does not love himself, this means that you are a  caring and protective person. But if you think the discussion is an effective enough solution, you will be disappointed.

If you are really willing to help your partner stop fighting you, you should remember that first of all,  that person must be the one who really wants to change, and he or she must accept the help you offer.

You should pay attention to how you feel, because if you are physically or emotionally exhausted from your relationship, the situation is probably one that is worth leaving.

In this case, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I really think my partner can change?
  • Is he aware that I am not happy?
  • Is he really interested in changing?

Once you have your answer, you can see if it is worth the effort to continue in the relationship or not.

Above all, though, remember this:  you shouldn’t sacrifice your own happiness for a partner who doesn’t want to end their own unhappiness.

Also, remember that the only person responsible for your happiness is yourself –  just as your partner is responsible for your own happiness.

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